Huntington Disease Lighthouse Families

For HD families ... by HD families
Miraxion Trials
January 22, 2007 09:02PM
I just wondered if anyone out there or their HD family had or is on the miraxion trial and if so how are they doing. My husband is presently on this.
Re: Miraxion Trials
January 23, 2007 05:18AM
I only know that taking fish oil capsules to give yourself enough EPA is really disgusting: I buy the cheap walmart purified ones and take 10 a day.

Re: Miraxion Trials
January 23, 2007 05:29AM
How Much of The Fish oil are you supposed to take, My husbands Neuro said 2,000 mill a day. Is this right or should it be more.
Re: Miraxion Trials
January 23, 2007 09:50AM

It's 2,000 mg per day of EPA. You have to do the math from the label on the bottle to figure out how many capsules.

Apple - Try TwinLab MegaTwin brand. Each cap has 600 mg of EPA. 3 a day is much more comfortable than 10. It may not be much more expensive than WalMart's if you figure out the cost per day. The TwinLab stuff costs around $20 for 60 caps - $1.00 per day.

Re: Miraxion Trials
January 23, 2007 11:20AM
Before i got tested i bought fish oils from - each teaspoon full contained 1500mg of EPA.

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