Huntington Disease Lighthouse Families

For HD families ... by HD families
Please help. Please respond. How to deal with denial?!?!
March 16, 2016 10:51PM
Really need some help. We have NO family support. His family is mostly estranged and lives in another state. His denial is very strong, and tonight he told me that the diagnosis of "possible HD and abnormal body movements" was only due to MY telling the doctor that I saw movements! The neurologist and two resident doctors examined him for more than ONE HOUR! We found out today that my chemo drugs cost $2,000 out of pocket, and now he says he wont' follow through with the visit with the neurologist (they did an MRI which showed signs of HD and the report, which we only read online said, "looked like brain of someone with huntingtons) because we can't afford it, and he won't follow through with the genetic counselor either. He really went on a tirade, yelling and interrupting me, and then telling me that I WAS the ONE ON THE TIRADE. WHAT?!!?!? Please help. Any suggestions for dealing with DENIAL? I have breast cancer and just had my third of six chemo treatments, and need to be able to heal and recover. Wondering about filing for divorce or moving out?
Re: Please help. Please respond. How to deal with denial?!?!
March 18, 2016 09:09AM
Just repling to let you know someone is reading your post and while I can understand since I am currently going thorough similair, I don't have any good words of advice or encouragement.

Denial can be part of the diease. It really isn't denial but a more complex condition of "unawareness". Depending upon your husbands knowledge of the progression, denial may be good. when one "realizes" their fate, the consequences can become morbid.

If I had not been aware of the progression of HD from taking care of SIL, when the Wife started having her anger bouts, I would have left her (divorce). However, I would not suggest that you not consider doing so. even if you don't leave and continue to care for your husband it could provide some finiacal and emotional benifit
Re: Please help. Please respond. How to deal with denial?!?!
March 18, 2016 01:17PM
hugs to you Yogamom.
I also don't know much to say but just that you are not alone.
altho I have had many issues with Donnie, denial never was one. He knew and accepted his disease. Maybe because his dad and grandfather both had it.
My heart breaks for you.
Re: Please help. Please respond. How to deal with denial?!?!
March 18, 2016 02:24PM

Hugs to you. I'm so sorry to hear about this..

Here is my feeling - if you can find a way, try to be gentle in your approach with your husband. His denial is definitely frustrating, but the fact of the matter is that follow up may not result in treatment, so pressing for a followup may not even yield a result. As of now, there is no treatment that (aside from clinical trials) that can delay the onset of the disease.

You suggest he has minor movements but is doing great at work. There are some meds he can take as the movement stuff progresses, but honestly, that sounds like he is doing pretty well. He (and you) definitely need time to adjust to the diagnosis, and treat your medial battle as well..

I hope you can find a way to do both from a place of peace, patience, support and love.
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