Huntington Disease Lighthouse Families

For HD families ... by HD families
ENROLL - A First Time Miss
December 05, 2014 04:58PM
I had my annual ENROLL study this week at Wake Forest with Dr. Walker. For the first time in maybe 8 PREDICT and ENROLL exams, I couldn't remember the damn 3 words! I'm sure many of you know what I'm talking about. In my defense it was near the end of about an hours worth of intensive neuropsych testing. I did pretty much nail the Stroop test - that's the insidious red/blue/green thingie. I also wore the wrong shoes - a pair of trail running shoes with a super sticky sole. That caused me to wobble a bit on the heel and toe walk.

I'm pretty sure everything else was fine. I've done the UHDRS test enough times that I could probably score myself.

Re: ENROLL - A First Time Miss
December 05, 2014 08:11PM
Maybe you should have slammed a few cups of blueberries the day before the study.
Whistling smiley
Re: ENROLL - A First Time Miss
December 06, 2014 06:40AM
You get to wear shoes for the heal to toe walk???? lol They make me do it barefoot, and I hate walking in barefeet smiling smiley
Re: ENROLL - A First Time Miss
December 06, 2014 08:12PM
Don't be too hard on yourself. I know nothing about the ENROLL study and maybe you're relaying this with some humor? But in case you're not, remember we all have "off" days. Another consideration is the natural aging process. I'm getting closer to 50 and I can tell my brain and body aren't what they were even compared to 5 years ago. I'm not pHD but just getting older. You are an amazing man, Will, and I'm so happy you share your life's stories with us. Also glad you are involved in the research. Sounds like you're doing great overall and that's what count!
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