Huntington Disease Lighthouse Families

For HD families ... by HD families

I need advice

Posted by jclapper 
I need advice
September 17, 2013 04:17PM
I am new as of today to this site. My wife's mother is days away from passing away from HD and I am very concerned she has the condition.

I would really appreciate someone I could ask questions because I don't know what to do. I love her unconditionally but it is really effecting my family. We have five children.

My number one issue is the mood swings, change in behavior, etc.

Thank you.
Re: I need advice
September 17, 2013 04:30PM
Are you comfortable asking your questions here? Or are you looking for a contact with whom to discuss symptoms?
Re: I need advice
September 18, 2013 08:59AM
I guess it just comes down to I need someone that understands. I have no one I can talk to.

I feel like we are at the beginning stages of HD one day, then we will have a good week or even month. When her mother was officially diagnosed, she truly accepted the disease and became a lot easier to be around.

I feel like if she has the disease, I should insist on testing so we can begin making arrangements and dealing with the grief. But............. what if I am wrong and it is not the disease.

I would like to find someone who has first hand experience that I could share more specific details on the symptoms I am seeing. I would like to do this over my personal email rather than sharing such stuff on line.

Thank you for contact. I have done lots of homework on HD. I need to hear from experience deal with the emotional issues as the care giver.
Re: I need advice
September 18, 2013 10:04AM
the one, sort of off the wall, first symptom I noticed with my SIL, BIL and Wife was the inability to maintain a constain speed when driving.
Re: I need advice
September 18, 2013 10:49AM
Thank you I am going to pay attention to that. My deepest concern now is the mood swings.
Re: I need advice
September 18, 2013 08:28PM
Everyone is affected a bit differently, but there are some common themes. Not always, but frequently some of the first symptoms seem to be irritability/mood swings. Sorry to hear about what you're going through. This is a great place for support. I also read over old posts (you can also use the search button).
Re: I need advice
September 18, 2013 10:54PM
I was engaged to a man with HD. First symptoms: a flat facial expression, at times he would seem so uncaring and like he had lost the ability to be bonded to me. He would have anger outbursts that were disproportionate to the trigger. His alcohol intake increased. He had trouble accepting a no and would escalate with anger to get his way. Most disturbing to me was that others didnt see it. He would talk horribly about me to his family so they weren't supportive when I started reaching out to them for help. It's like he became narcissistic and it started to make me feel crazy. Everything had to be his way. My neighbor noticed that he lacked the ability to have meaningful conversation. He could converse about certain topics such as hunting or biking but didnt have depth. He left me 15 months ago. 3 months ago he started sending me mean messages thru email, text, Facebook. I've asked him to stop but he doesn't and it doesn't really make sense given that it was his de union to go. We were together for 4 years. During the last year I also noticed he started twitching in his sleep. Just a few months before he left twitching had started in his lip. I hope this helps. I'm still learning myself and trying to figure out if I should be concerned or my safety due to his recent aggressive messages toward m and fixation on my dogs.
Re: I need advice
September 19, 2013 10:56AM
Thank you for your comments. The advice I am getting has been so helpful. My faith in God is deep and I pray for all you face the challenges of HD.
Re: I need advice
September 19, 2013 07:25PM
I don't know how to answer your question since HD is so different in people and it's origins differ. Not everyone has a family history and so forth. If your wife will talk with you that would be the best in my opinion, then go from there. Let her know your concerns not because of your fears but for her well being. This may or may not work but it's worth a try.

Specialist would be my recommendation. Perhaps you can broach the subject with her Mother's Physician.

Best of lck and keep the faith,

Re: I need advice
September 23, 2013 10:36AM
My husband had mood swings and strange behavior for several years before he was diagnosed. I thought he stopped loving me and his behavior was a sign that he wanted a divorce. I was both relieved and saddened when we discovered the cause.

Hopefully she will be receptive to seeing a physician or psych doctor. Not all mood swings and behavioral issues are tied to HD. With the imminent passing of her mother, I imagine the stress and grief she is going through is affecting her well being. Although I don't have HD, I do have a family history of stress and anxiety disorder, and after my husband's diagnosis and ultimate shift in our marital roles, it helped a lot when I was put on meds to control my anxiety.

Good luck and I pray that her issues are not a sign of HD.
Re: I need advice
September 23, 2013 08:12PM
I think the driving thing 'could' be early HD because there is an inability to keep constant pressure on a gas petal or even to press something with constant pressure with the hands with some people.
Re: I need advice
September 24, 2013 12:58PM
I am in pretty much the same situation you are. Except we have been diagnosed. There are some things you need to get in order before testing,, if possible. Feel free to PM me.
Re: I need advice
September 24, 2013 03:20PM
I am so sorry for you. Again, when is the right time to push the issue. One day everything is great, the next day I am the worst person in the world.

I really do love the woman I married and breaks my heart that I may be losing her.
Re: I need advice
September 25, 2013 12:31PM
I am lucky that we could have open conversations about it together. It should be approached on those days when you say thing are going great. You should not push it on her. Both of you have to be prepared for a the results either way. We both felt she should be tested when it consumed her. Not because of symptoms, but when it was consuming her thoughts daily, affecting her quality of life. I knew the results before we were tested and thought i was prepared, but I clearly was not. We still have a great relationship, but I am also losing the person I married on the outside, but I made a committment to her and God that I will be there no matter what. I will keep that promise. I will keep you both in my prayers.
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