Huntington Disease Lighthouse Families

For HD families ... by HD families
Medicare & Medicaid
September 05, 2013 05:29PM
Hi All,
This is my first post and I would like to start by saying a big THANK YOU to all of you who share all of your past and present experiences with HD!!

I'm in a pretty difficult spot right now as I just went through a divorce and moved to East Texas (Longview, Tyler area)... With that said I am now without Insurance and I'm trying to row this difficult ship without putting any burden on my family! I'm 42 years old and I have been on Disability for a little over a year I think! I have applied for Medicaid now that I'm low income and have recently been denied after a 45 day waiting period! The reason for denial was that I'm not eligible for Medicare (Seems like someone could have told me that without making me stress for 45 days)... They told me since I do not have a child under the age of 18 and not at least 55 years of age that I do not qualify because I'm not eligible for Medicare due to the 2 year waiting period.

With that said, I am having a terrible time trying to get to a doctor on my budget... I want to go to the center of excellence in Houston about a 3 1/2 hours from me but I have no insurance and not eligible for Medicare until May of 2014... I'm having serious mood swings e.g. (feel great one day and real bad the next 5 or even vice-versa for that matter) Racing Thoughts, Chronic Fatigue, Severe what I call "Mental Headaches", Memory, (short and long term) Severe Depression and have problems taking anti-depressants. Mostly cognitive stuff but some physical stuff like unsteady gait and muscle twitches, and stiff muscles. I'm fighting as hard as I can to make it until May but it seems to be getting harder and harder each and everyday! Just looking for a happy medium I guess.

I have a copy of the Physicians Guide to the Management of HD ... Any suggestions on what I can do to get GOOD PROPER treatment on a VERY limited budget and kind of in a hurry?

What I'm trying to pursue at the moment is MHMR out of Longview TX which is now called Community Healthcore from what I can tell it is an income based facility that is based on a sliding income scale, that consist of only Psychiatrist and I am considering just showing up with my Physicians Guide... Does this seem like the right thing to do as I don't want to waste anymore money on doctors that just don't understand?

Thanks Again
Re: Medicare & Medicaid
September 05, 2013 07:04PM
Hi and welcome!
I would pursue the sliding scale of some community based health care and yes, Taking your physicians guide with you might help them get the idea.
Maybe your COE would adjust their fees or offer you a payment plan for your visit. Call and talk to your COE social worker (for free) who can help you with many issues. My son is also in the gap of no insurance and waiting for Medicare...that is so wrong on so many levels! Also for him, I downloaded a prescription card off the internet and it works in Missouri, he could have never afforded his medication without it.

Keep fighting! Good luck!

Re: Medicare & Medicaid
September 06, 2013 02:35PM
Thank you so MUCH Carla for your time and advice as it is greatly appreciated!! Our system can be aggravating at times and it is unfortunate...

I will be praying for you, your son and your family during these trying and challenging times that we are all facing!

God Bless,
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