Huntington Disease Lighthouse Families

For HD families ... by HD families

Husband manic

Posted by Edwina 
Husband manic
June 27, 2013 07:39PM

I need help. My story will be short version. Husband became manic after a weekend away at his family. came back hit my son in the face and in the head, son is 20yrs old. Then he started nonstop house hunting and trying to get a pre qualifying loan. His doctor order albilfy 2mg and increaced paxel to 40 from 30Mg, meds didnt work, after 3 days husband was still angry and manic and ocd. His doctor ordered his Albilfy up to 4mg. He is still house hunting, and angry. Says he is leaving and not getting divorced, because, he wants to stay on my insurance. Wants a legal seperation. If he follows through with all this, I want to ask for a divorce, I believe he is elgiable for medicare next year. What should I do. His behavior is caused by hd. But it all still hurts, all of this.. I am worried about if he gets a loan an I legally obligated, if he buys a house. Can he take mine? He has a house in his name in another town. But we have been married almost 6 years, and I need to figure out what to do. Right now I am in a state of shock with all of this.

Re: Husband manic
June 28, 2013 06:49PM
Wonder if a medication such as zyprexa couldn't make a world of difference.
Re: Husband manic
June 28, 2013 07:37PM
I agree that a medication change sounds like the first step to resolving this behavior. Is he seeing a COE doctor? They often try off label use of some meds to create a drug cocktail to address these behaviors. It doesn't sound as though he would make it through a loan process. When he hit your son, did you call the police? Violence is unacceptable, HD or not.

Take care,

Re: Husband manic
June 29, 2013 01:07AM
Edwina my husband was acting some what like that he wanted me out of the house and get a divorce and talked to the doctor about it and increase the doses on abilify and he got worse then he got a melldown and took him back to the clinic he start acting agresive with me and me two kids that live with us then they change the medication they give him 4mg Rispidone and its so much better ask his doctor and see if he can try this medication it has been good for us then again everybody is different abilify was not good for him, I will keep you in my prayers good luck.
Re: Husband manic
June 29, 2013 11:32AM
Well apparently Well Fargo prequalified him for a loan. Computers internet , not even face to face. If they did they might have second thoughts. How he got a loan I am not sure, just he said he was,and is now trying to get down payment from his sons college fund from his xwife. Plus sell his house we rent.

Yes , his CEO , doctor is working hard with me to stablized him. I am stressed beyond stress. His Albilfy was just increased starting last night to 10mg at bedtime, not sure how long before it works.

I am not sure he would switch meds, at this point as he has ingrained this I am leaving a buying a house and I like to take of myself. He wont be able to on his SSD, there is no way. He falls, chokes on food, this is crazy. I need help so much, but now I am looking at divorce, because I am not sure what else to do. I emmail his father, but most likely that will be a moot case, so far no one has helped me yet.

This is such a tragity, he loves me, I love him, and I cant help him, and hippa laws apparently keep me from getting him help. I am all for patients rights, but I am living in mania, ocd and my husband can not help it. I can not stop or help him.
Re: Husband manic
June 30, 2013 12:15AM
So sorry I do know what you are going thru, he is not himself and the only thing I can think of its his doctor can change medication there is a light at the end of the tunel there is so many medication that they can control him it just try to find out wich one it is, good luck to you and will keep you on my prayers.
Re: Husband manic
July 01, 2013 07:19PM
I still dont know what to do. My husband is still manic, meds are not working. all I want is to have him back thinking more clearly. This diease sucks, and so unfair .
Re: Husband manic
July 06, 2013 10:29AM
I learned the hard way with my husband (soon to be ex) that antidepressants are not the way to go for bi-polar. my husband had a horrible time with paxel and abilify and a host of other anti-depressants until we learned that he needs a mood stabilizer instead. Look into this - I hope it helps.
Re: Husband manic
July 10, 2013 11:30AM
My first husband would cycle upwards like this. There would be a few days of quiet (irritability but nothing that I couldn't safely deflect eventually). He was usually tired and would sleep about 12 hours a night. At some point he would start to become agitated, be up all night and become angry to the point that I would be afraid. (After a day or two of this he would crash and sleep around the clock.) I asked his doctor to please prescribe some kind of mood stabilizer but he never did. It upsets me that this wasn't tried before I had to file for a PFA and a divorce to feel safe, but the doctor refused and my ex wouldn't get another opinion.

On this site, we feel strongly that safety must come first. We don't want caregivers or children to be hurt and avoiding violence is also in the best interests of the person with HD since it is very difficult to get prosecutors and judges to see HD as a mitigating factor.
Re: Husband manic
August 27, 2013 07:01AM
Very sorry that you are going through this.

Is this the first time he's gone to such extremes - calling for a loan/ separation? Could it just be talk?

As said by others, violence never has a reason (period)

He is manic now, but this in turn is making you manic...and you cannot do this alone.

It seems everyone are mentioning about putting your husband on different or stronger meds, but what about considering getting legal advice about your house situation and/ or potential divorce as well?
Not to mean that you want to head in that direction, rather to ease your mind by having your facts, or at least more information.
Re: Husband manic
August 27, 2013 11:53AM
My memory of the wife's extreme manic stage is now like a blurred bad dream. I too recall trying different meds with no effects or making things worse.

I hate to even mention this, but I seem to recall the most peace I got was after a manic episode where she was screaming and frailing to the point I feared a stroke was iminante. they usually lasted several hours, but she was so exhuasted to next day there was actually a return to be considerate and sometimes a partial apology (but don't mention the intiating item, or all he!! broke out again)
Re: Husband manic
September 04, 2013 01:49PM
Thanks for all the responses. My husband became stable on geodon but unfortunately, he has had bad reaction to it . He is now just starting tegertol.. I am so concerned about him, now he is having difficulties swallowing, which. I believe is due to the medication, as two , weeks ago he was ratting steak, just fine. I can't believe. This is due to hd, yet I know hd causes swallowing difficulies.
I am hoping some of his swallowing problems improve, as now we are doing puréed food. I almost would rather have mania.
Re: Husband manic
September 04, 2013 07:33PM
It seems as all we can do as caregivers is HOPE.

I had to google to see what the type of meds you were trying as my wife maybe needs something similair. I have put more time in reading, then reading drug information from what I hope is the latest and most comprehesive and get more confussed instead of seeing a positive approach.

Sorry for the above rant, I really hope your husband improves.

I sent a message to wife's family Dr requesting a similair drug (antipsychotic ), seroquel to be added to the wifes SSRI & benzodiazepine
Re: Husband manic
November 01, 2013 10:00PM
Hello there,

My husband also has HD (has been diagnosed for five years).

The swallowing issue - he didn't have it before he went on those Meds, did he? If so, you would have known.

There is a swallowing issue due to HD. My husband has a very mild case of this "swallowing" problem. He does have issues with pork, and other meats that I cut up for him - not "puree". Please do not "puree" foods for him if it is not critical at this point. If he can chew and swallow, that is great. Keep an eye on him when he eats.

I have a feeling that the Meds he is on is causing this right now.

Blending food for an HD patient is like the worst thing - that is almost when they are gone and in a nursing home.

Don't push it if it's not completely necessary.
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