Huntington Disease Lighthouse Families

For HD families ... by HD families

Huntington Disease

Posted by Frances 
Huntington Disease
July 28, 2012 03:42PM
Can anyone help me, help us (family). I am one of 9 children. One of us (my younger brother) has been diagnosed with Huntington Disease.
He apparantally had this for some years but, at the time the doctors said he had ADD. He use to walk a lot but has cut down considerably because he gets too tired. He talks but you really can't understand a word he says. He is dropping weight faster then we want him to. He is starting to have a hard time swollowing. He just came out of the hospital again for Dehydration and it wasn't the first time.

We know things will just get worse. He is married but he may as well be single. Not too much is done for him at all.
We know that as things get worse, we will have to take some action. We would like to know if anyone out there knows of any places a person could go to during the day, like a Daycare center that they usually have for the elderly; would they have one for this disease and also for someone who is only 52 years old?

We would also like to know if there are any facilities, places like a nursing home where he could move in if the situation calls for it down the line. At least, in a facility, we know he would get his 3 meals a day, a nice clean bed to sleep on at night, a TV he could watch and a nurse around if he needed one and, most important, maybe be able to talk with other people, become friends with and to be in a safe place.

We know there are places for the elderly, places for children, places for the retarded, places for the blind, places for the mentally ill, but, we cannot find a place for this kind of disease and especially for his young age.

Would anyone out there know of anyplace we could go to or what we would look into? We really need help.

We would so much appreciate it and hope to hear from anyone out there.

Thank you so much,
Re: Huntington Disease
July 28, 2012 05:44PM
Could you tell us where you live? Many nursing homes will take people with HD, and also some Adult Day Care centers will take our loved ones also. We might be able to help you more if we knew where he lived. Pat Rose
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