Huntington Disease Lighthouse Families

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Wheelchair for it time? sad smiley

Posted by carla 
Wheelchair for it time? sad smiley
June 12, 2012 06:44PM
Hi Everyone,

I have been going over and over in my mind about getting Tim in a wheelchair. His balance is so poor, his gait is lurching and he just scares the heck out of me when he walks. Not just me, the nurses are afraid he's going to fall, too. He's been resistant to getting a walker, and I don't really think he will be able to use a walker to be honest.
When I was there last week, I noticed the blinds in his room were all askew and I know he fell sideways into them but he keeps denying that he's falling. He may not be falling all the way to the floor but he's had bruises on the sides of his head, I think from doorways. He appears to be walking so fast that he's getting ahead of himself, I fear he's going to just plunge straight forward into the floor.
So is it time? I don't want it to be time yet.
Besides my own denial, I also haven't a clue as to where to begin. I have looked at the broda chair on line, it specifically says for HD.
Does anyone know if medicare or medicaid helps pay for a wheelchair? Does he need a doctor to order one? I wonder if they sell used ones?


Re: Wheelchair for it time? sad smiley
June 12, 2012 07:26PM
my mom was in a nursing home and they provided their petients with weelchairs.
I didnt even know she had one. I thought she might need a walker but the physical therapist said no she walks fine and doesnt need a walker or a weelchair. I was nervouse walking her in and out so I got hers to be safe. thats when I found out she already had one.
My physical symtoms were getting worse and then suddenly it went away and got better agin. I take vit c trehulose fish oil and melatonin.
Re: Wheelchair for it time? sad smiley
June 12, 2012 08:56PM
It may be time for a wheelchair. Every step in the progression of the disease is a painful one, but Tim having a wheelchair that he can use doesn't mean that there has been a huge decline, just that you are concerned about his safety. He can still walk about when someone is there to assist him. Years ago, a friend of mine put off getting a wheelchair for her daughter because she couldn't bear the thought of her being wheelchair bound. But once she did, her daughter was much happier because she didn't have to worry about failing and she actually got about more because of the protection of the chair.
Re: Wheelchair for it time? sad smiley
June 13, 2012 12:40PM
When my brother needed a wheelchair, the PT at the nursing home helped us with the selection of the chair. Someone at the Nursing Home should be able to help you with information about what medicaid or your son's insurance pays. We didn't pay anything.
Re: Wheelchair for it time? sad smiley
June 13, 2012 03:45PM
Thanks for the suggestions and input. It feels like pulling teeth at the NH most of the time to get anything done, but I will check out the PT avenue. Marsha, I do wonder if Tim having a chair might actually give him more freedom, like I said, I know he is falling but denying it. He may be limiting himself for his own fear of falling.
I am going up again Friday so I might try to see where he's at on this topic. He may welcome it. Sometimes we work ourselves up for no good reason!

Take care,

Re: Wheelchair for it time? sad smiley
June 14, 2012 06:26AM
Hi Carla.. I am going through the same thing. I take care of my friend David and am in the process of getting him a wheelchair . You can get help through Medicare and you need to have him fitted for the correct kind of wheelchair. He also needs to have a prescription from a doctor for one. Good luck.. This is so difficult, I understand what you are dealing with. Jenny
Re: Wheelchair for it time? sad smiley
October 24, 2012 08:28PM
my w ife has hd and finally needed a wheel chair , not so much for home use but for when we went out. her doctor filled out the paped work and we were able to get a power chair from hoverround and medacare payed 80% of the cost . medicare will cover a transport chair also if you need it. your doctor should be able to help you out.
Re: Wheelchair for it time? sad smiley
October 25, 2012 10:09AM
My phd is now using a walker and a wheelchair, other times my arm. He falls constantly and the point came when he couldn't walk 6 feet without being overwhelmed by the distance. I always had the walker nearby and asked first. He realized he needed it. We use a transport wheelchair when out and about because the walker is incredibly slow and embarrassing for him. He also doesn't have the strength, coordination to do the self wheeling.
As for falling and denial, my husband simply does not remember when he falls and will ask constantly where he got bruises, why his back hurts, etc. It isn't denial, its his memory.
With medicare, our COE neuro said that Medicare would pay for only one assistive device, be it the walker, wheelchair or motorized chair. So we needed to be cautious in using the "choice". Have paid for them on our own.
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