Huntington Disease Lighthouse Families

For HD families ... by HD families

Please help me understand choosing not to test...

Posted by bh910123 
Re: Please help me understand choosing not to test...
August 07, 2012 05:36PM
Colleen, I pray that your nephew will not be touched by HD. My son too has a lot of energy and has had sleep issues for a long time. He sometimes too has twitches and odd things. He's been diagnosed with autism and ADHD and I pray that's all it is. I feel terrified when I think about JHD. I love my son to the moon and can't imagine life without him, however, if I'd have known this was in the family I would have had prenatal testing or IVF. I think Matt has a good point about how everyone has different perspectives, attitudes, beliefs, situations etc. and we should try not to judge. But I guess I am a realist and think it's good for people to think through the entire situation and have the knowledge to make the best thought-out choice. I agree with Buddybird that bringing a child into this world is not just going to affect the mother's involves the entire family including of course the child. We should not be blinded by our desires, but rather look outside of ourselves to see how our decissions will affect the world of others.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/07/2012 05:37PM by eve.
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