Huntington Disease Lighthouse Families

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Experiences with private disabiltiy carriers

Posted by mikee 
Experiences with private disabiltiy carriers
February 21, 2012 10:53AM
Hi all. Anyone had any experience with private LTD carriers and HD? I'm completly paranoid about this. Constantly in fear of being denied just to see if I can jump through the hoops. My carrier apparently has one of the worst reputations for denial after the two year mark. My Neurologist offered a letter to them and I was afraid to stir the pot, so I reserved that for later. I also have SSDI in place.
Thanks again,
Re: Experiences with private disabiltiy carriers
February 21, 2012 04:33PM
i had mine in place through work so I didnt apply just signed up. then my hd dr wrote a letter to them and social security when they didnt think I could work.
Re: Experiences with private disabiltiy carriers
July 28, 2012 08:52AM
So Mike, did you make a claim? How did it go?

When we made a claim, just a day after the 2 year waiting period (I cut it close), they scrutinized everything but approved my husband's claim after a mountain of paperwork. I was nervous, but it all worked out. SSDI was another whole fiasco, but we eventually made it through that process too.......after an initial denial and the help of an attorney.
Re: Experiences with private disabiltiy carriers
July 28, 2012 08:57AM
Hi Laura,
I haven't hit my two year mark. Stil have a couple of months. SSDI came within a year. The private side is still on my shoulders. Having heard and read so much about their tactics I am completely paranoid.
Re: Experiences with private disabiltiy carriers
July 28, 2012 09:30AM
I know how you feel. Because of the questions they ask and all the horror stories you read you can't help but become paranoid. My husband had 2 private policies. One through work (also known for denials) and the 2nd was a income gap policy he signed up for (this company had actually been sued for denials). The main thing they are looking for is if you are employable at ANY job and could you benefit from rehab?

My husbands neuro at the time gave us some good advice. Because most policies will ask if you can do "any" job after the 2 year point, giving up his drivers license was the first thing. Of course all of his Dr.'s signed a letter which stated that they felt he should no longer drive and, in our case, it was time to stop driving after numerous small accidents and tickets. Was it hard for him? You bet. But I refused to let him drive and put others at risk. I wouldn't want someone to do that to my family. It's awfully hard to keep a job if you don't have a way to get there.

Secondly, if falling is an issue, use a cane. My husband didn't like this at all but after if prevented a few nasty falls, he understood.
Third, if you were every given written warnings at work, have traffic tickets or were in trouble with the law, don't hide it. Use those things to show you have difficulties in social situation.
Fourth, DON'T LIE. If you don't lie then you have nothing to worry about.
Fifth, keep copies of everything. I went out and got the biggest 3 ring binder I could find and I keep copies of everything in order by date. At the very front of the binder I keep a few pages of notebook paper to document phone calls. Date, time, what was it about? If you do get denied and have to hire an attorney, they will be very happy to see this.

Above all try not to worry about it until you need to. Easier said then done I know but with SS now adding hd to the compasionate list, its going to be harder and harder for private disability to justify denials as well.
Good luck!
Re: Experiences with private disabiltiy carriers
July 28, 2012 07:44PM
We never got disablity insurance unfortunately. But I just wanted to say, Indigo, that you have really great advice.
Re: Experiences with private disabiltiy carriers
July 29, 2012 08:59AM
Thanks Indigo. Sounds like we are on the same page. I am still in early stages, able to drive locally, use a cane. There's quite a bit of cognitive problems, some time worse than others and walking/balance as well as multi tasking. My Dr. at Mayo offered to send them a letter but I haven't followed through yet. Last one said my cognitive problems alone were disabling. I appreciate your input.

Wish I felt it was safe just to do a few things around the house without getting in a bind. As you probably know there are good days and bad. One of my Dr's told me to go back to my shop on the good days, someting I haven't done in two years. He said there will come a time when I can't and it'll be too late then. Be actve was another bit of advice.

The thought of having to live in a hole is bothersome.

The private policies are great to have but the problems you can have can be horrible. The stress of that alone is bad enough.

Re: Experiences with private disabiltiy carriers
July 29, 2012 10:10AM
So your disability was approved and your worried about the 2 year point, right?
Most policies go from "your" occupation to "any" occupation at 2 years and thats what makes the 2 year point bothersome.

The best thing I can suggest right now is please don't stress out about it until you need too. If worrying could fix problems we'd all be problem free! When you hear the horror stories about people being stalked by the insurance company its usually people who've had an injury and are milking the recovery. Others claim depression or cognative issues but have no diagnosis as to what caused it. These are the biggest red flags. You have a diagnosis. The insurance company should know that hd is a disease and it can't be fixed. If your worried that the person your working with doesn't know much about hd then print out as much as you can on the symptoms and progression of hd and send it with your paperwork. I did this with both policies AND with SSDI even though SS said NOT to send extra stuff.

When my phd hit the 2 year point we got the standard update letters/forms for the Dr. to sign (same as every year) but that was it. When I fill out those forms every year I reference my notebook and make sure the forms are the same as the year before and add anything new.
In the beginning we used to get those forms every 3 months. At the 2 year point they put his file in the extended disability department so we only get them once a year now.

I used to worry about it just like you are but then I thought about it. If someone came to my door today what would they see? They'd see the same thing we've claimed on the disability forms. Be truthful, keep copies of everything and do the things you feel comfortable doing. Your not a prisioner on house arrest and your allowed to go on with your life in spite of the disabilities. As hard as it it try not to worry!
Re: Experiences with private disabiltiy carriers
July 30, 2012 04:53PM
Indigo you are exactly right about where I am with this. Yes, the stalking back handed things are what concern me. I'm not that way and I guess I think everyone even business should be the same. It feels good to do a few things although not as well as pre HD but still it's good. Thanks for the kind support and good luck to you.
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