Huntington Disease Lighthouse Families

For HD families ... by HD families
January 26, 2012 02:37PM
Are there any teachers with HD here? I am dealing with trying to decide whether to try to keep working which I love, or allow myself to be put on disability. I cannot stand the idea of just sitting at home and vegging, but it is getting harder and harder to deal with the frustrations in the classroom. I imagine that people who have other jobs can somewhat hide their emotions from co-workers, but teachers have to be positive and smiling everyday all day long no matter what happens in the classroom or in their heads.
Re: Teachers?
January 26, 2012 04:03PM
If you are eligible for disability , you could consider it. What you may be able to do very successfully , to keep from vegging, is to tutor children privately or volunteer to tutor children at a private or parochial school. There are a lot of volunteer oportunties that may be less stressful than full-time teaching.

Re: Teachers?
January 26, 2012 05:01PM
What a great idea, Paua!
Re: Teachers?
January 26, 2012 05:14PM
Thank you for your input. You have good ideas. It's particularly cruel that this disease first takes your career that you love and then leaves you so many years left to slowly decline and think about what used to be.
Re: Teachers?
January 26, 2012 06:17PM
Jeanne H.

Not sure if this is possible and what you want to disclose to the school in whcih you work, but would it be possible to have modified schedule in your school? In other words, can they make a reasonable accomodation for you. I know when my mother returned to work after having cancer, she was able to teach a different class (she was special ed) and it was less stressful for her. When she finally did retire, she did tutor until she became to ill to. My husband, also pre-motor is in school now just returning to get his drug and alcohol counseling degree. I sometimes worry that the stress is too much, but he loves it so I have been encouraging him but also telling him if he feels too much stress I will understand. I think it is helping him to be honest. (he is 41 and also has a CAG of 42, his dad passed @ 61) My SIL's are both positive and symptommatic. One was told not to try to go back to work as her cognitive symptoms are more prevalent. Whereas they would not support my other SIL leaving work bc she is not having any issues at this time besides movements. I would suggest maybe talking to your doctor as well. Just my opinion....
Re: Teachers?
January 26, 2012 06:35PM

I am pre motor also (age 42, CAG 42, and my mom died age 59). My school knows about my HD. I have a very supportive principal. I might consider talking to him to see what else is possible. I just wonder if there is any job in a school that's not super frustrating. I am sure that through your mom, you know all about it.

I think one thing that really makes me angry is that my whole life I have been able to turn that frown upside down and deal with whatever was thrown my way, but now I do not have that ability. It's just hard to accept.
Re: Teachers?
January 26, 2012 06:50PM
Are you on any medications or would you be open to try a medication to see if it helps - an antidepressant, zypexa if needed, etc?
Just an idea.
Re: Teachers?
January 26, 2012 06:57PM

Yes, I am on antidepressants and anti-anxiety meds. Without them, I would have had to stop working a couple of years ago.

I appreciate everyone's input.
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