Huntington Disease Lighthouse Families

For HD families ... by HD families
IVF with PGD
January 12, 2012 02:49PM
Has anyone gone through IVF with PGD?
I am curious to learn from someone's experience.

On Monday, we go to the doctor to get a blood draw from my husband and myself to be sent to the PGD lab to start the prep work.
Also we are sending mouth swabs of my mother-in-law and sister-in- law.
I can't believe it will take up to 12 weeks for them to prepare. The waiting came...I hope that they are able to proceed with PGD and nothing comes up as they are in the lab.

Curious if someone else did this process and how was their experience.

Re: IVF with PGD
January 13, 2012 12:06PM
My former daughter-in-law and my son went through 2 rounds of this. There are several people on here who have done it. You might search the archives here and get some insight.
Good luck!

Re: IVF with PGD
January 13, 2012 01:40PM
hey there-

we have a bit of experience with ivf and pgd.. we submitted the samples and actually heard back earlier than the 12 weeks, but we did wait to schedule the ivf until we got the approval from the pgd people.

we are about to start the ivf cycle this month. we did go through one unsuccessful round of ivf before we learned about the huntington's in the family.

take the 12 weeks to make yourself as healthy and relaxed as you can be, overall i think the more relaxed you can make yourself, the easier it seems to feel. also, make sure to give yourself some lattitude when you take the meds- i hated the first phase of meds (very unfocused and sleepy), but felt immediately better on the second.. for me, the surgery wasnt a huge deal, but now looking back, i probably should have spent more time recovering.

let me know if you want or need to private message.
Re: IVF with PGD
January 13, 2012 05:43PM
How much does it cost to do all of this?...i have sons that are thinking of testing and if they are positive want to try this...just wondering how it all many steps do you have to go through?
Re: IVF with PGD
January 17, 2012 07:45AM
Thank you soo much I know I have probably all the same questions you may have...but I would agree with noreaster... to take that time to get yourself mentally and physically healthy ( you probably know this, but I find it is always good to have reminders). Join a fitness class, read some postive books, church, family time---just let yourself be happysmiling smiley

Below is a site I found may have run into it already.
Re: IVF with PGD
January 22, 2012 10:48PM
Hi digging.deep,

I'm Stacy and I'm the author of the HDFreeWithPGD website. If you haven't visited it yet, I highly recommend it! You are also welcome to email me at with any private questions about PGD or just support! smiling smiley

I tested gene-positive for HD in 2005 and after 1 round of IVF/PGD, my twin daughters were born. They're five now and my life is so blessed. smiling smiley I had an extremely lucky case, however, and not everyone is successful. IVF is definitely a bumpy ride and you will go through a lot. I hope that you are as successful as I was.

I'm really proud of you to want to protect your children!

By the way, I noticed on another post that you said from a religious stance PGD is not something you should do. That's not necessarily true. It's more about what each person believes. But at least from a Biblical perspective, there is nothing that speaks against IVF/PGD. In fact, the Bible says that we're formed "in the womb". And during IVF, embryos are not yet "in the womb". So I don't think that people have a religious problem with it. But some have personal beliefs that it's wrong. And I won't argue with that, we're all entitled to our own beliefs.

Check out the website, I hope it's helpful. And click on the page entitled "A Personal Story" to see a pic of my cute kids.. so sweet! winking smiley

Please let me know if you have any questions. And take care!!


P.S. I'm editing this to add a reminder: If you do IVF with PGD, make sure to donate your gene-positive embryos to HD research!

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/23/2012 10:33AM by Stacy.
Re: IVF with PGD
January 25, 2012 09:23AM
Hi Stacy

I have seen your website and need to go back and read it again smiling smiley
My comment about religion is I thought Catholics frowned upon IVF. Maybe I am wrong?

Personally I don't and can't judge because I wouldn't wish what my father-in-law went through to anyone even "my worst enemy"

Reprogenetics has our blood and the mouth swabs and it has been a week. Need to wait up to 11 more for them to be ready.

In the meantime I have one more test for the IVF.....HSG test or I call it the iodine test on Friday.
Fingers crossed that it will be covered by insurance....IVF that is.
PGD is out of pocket.
Re: IVF with PGD
January 26, 2012 09:17AM
Good luck the insurance will cover IVF...I know mine specifically says it won't cover IVF for infertility, but I might try it anyway and claim it is not for infertility- idk.......we are still waiting the results from my husbands blood test to see if he even has the disease...but our time is coming close--about a week but could be any day.
Re: IVF with PGD
January 27, 2012 02:42PM
Smiley....I remember the waiting too.
Does your insurance cover IVF for any reason.

We have now dine all our testing. Need to wait for the results of a few. Then will or won't the doctor support us in going through insurance. More to come in that.

PGD labs has been working for a week and a half. Many more to go.
Re: IVF with PGD
February 04, 2012 02:36PM
Speaking of insurance, mine was covered only because I fought & found a loophole in the verbiage. They allowed my case to be considered by the medical board and it was deemed "medically necessary" and covered by "major medical", not infertility.

But then they immediately changed the verbiage in their contract to not cover IVF for any reason.

THEN, a few years later, a couple who are covered by my same insurance needed PGD. (They were protecting their kids from DMD, not HD.) I advised them to fight and present their case to the medical board and they did... and won 100% coverage!

So nothing is in stone. It's worth putting up a fight!

Good luck to you both!!
Re: IVF with PGD
February 05, 2012 05:35PM
We got the authorization from the insurance company to do excited!!!
Now just waiting for the lab to be ready for us to do the PGD.
Once we get the green light then we will start our first round of IVF.

This is a long journey but the reward is well worth it smiling smiley
Re: IVF with PGD
February 05, 2012 05:46PM
Good Luck!
Re: IVF with PGD
August 28, 2013 11:22AM
I know this is an older post but...

I'm interested in trying to get my insurance to cover IVF with PGD. If any of you are willing to share the letter(s) you sent to your insurance company to obtain coverage, I would be forever grateful! Thanks smiling smiley
Re: IVF with PGD
June 19, 2014 02:35AM
Hi there,

I was wondering if anyone knows anything about IVF in Australia and how long lab work for PGD should take because we are continuously being told 3-6 months. We are getting the run around and every time we call to check on the lab work we are told that it hasn't begun yet and that it will be another 3-6 months at least of waiting. We have been waiting since Feb (5 months) and attended every blood test and genetic counsellor appointment etc. but still there is no progress on any lab work for pdg.

Can anyone suggest a quicker way to do this with a company that is willing to get things done. We are so frustrated with waiting when we haven't even begun ivf yet.
Re: IVF with PGD
July 27, 2014 07:50AM
We live in Canada and waited almost a year before the clinic was ready for us to start ivf. Good can be a long wait!
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