Huntington Disease Lighthouse Families

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celexa (citaprolam) clinical trial..

Posted by klivin 
celexa (citaprolam) clinical trial..
June 20, 2011 09:41AM
Anyone out there participating in the trial? Any results we are hearing about?? My husband is on it currently for depression and I am wondering how others are doing on it.
Re: celexa (citaprolam) clinical trial..
June 20, 2011 09:47AM
Is this a clinical trial specifically for HD?
Re: celexa (citaprolam) clinical trial..
June 20, 2011 10:02AM
Yes, it is set to complete next year.
Re: celexa (citaprolam) clinical trial..
June 20, 2011 11:04AM
There won't be any preliminary discussion of the data - we'll learn the results when it's all over. This drug is known to relieve depression so that's why it is used in HD now. However, it also raises levels of BDNF (known to be reduced in HD brains) so it may treat HD or HD symptoms in other ways and if so perhaps it should be prescribed more widely. I'm looking forward to seeing the results.
Re: celexa (citaprolam) clinical trial..
June 20, 2011 11:32AM
My husband has been on it for a few months it was prescribed for his depression. Originally, he was prescribed Lexapro but due to cost I had asked if there was something else they could switch him too, like Celexa. The doctor changed the script and we get it at Target for 4.00 instead of 90.00. I then relaized that it was in clinical trials which made me even happier. Hoping that he results are positive. In reading the site it states that the trial is set to conclude in 2012. How long Marsha, after that will results be published?
Re: celexa (citaprolam) clinical trial..
June 20, 2011 11:38AM
I would think it would just be a few weeks before the results are announced. Actual publication in a peer referenced journal would probably take months.
Re: celexa (citaprolam) clinical trial..
June 20, 2011 11:58AM
I was on celexa for 6 years. When the anti depression finally hit I was out in my garden in the country and suddenly the sky was blue, the flowers vibrant and cloud watching was better. I think HD depression is terrible. I have always had depression but used music discipline to help. I say depression started when my dad died and my mother didn't. Our family tended to focus the attention on the bi polar person because they made life difficult for everyone on a three day cycle whereas the depressed ones just felt down. so we never have real joy but keep on going.

Celexa is the cause of excessive dry mouth and having my teeth rot, having teeth out and having dentures which cause pain and aggravate swallowing problems. I think people like me should get free implants from tooth rot from dry mouth

Celexa has also caused cataracts

Celexa ceased to work around the time that someone called me ignorant here and I had a whole winter going off celexa which you do very carefully, then trying another anti depressant which is what I would take if I went to a nursing home because I was completely foolishly happy but falling all the time, then we tried paroxetine.Due to the side effects from celexa I have decided to change what ever drugs I am taking every year., I was shocked to hear about the cataracts which don't even run in the family. My mouth was even drier on paroxetine.

This winter I switched to zoloft one pill, not enough and I slit my wrist with the bread knife.So I went to emerg and got it glued up. Once again we found that the emrg psychiatrists cannot write a prescription, a stupid hole in the very limited mental health care we have. I am on a dementia service from mental health which replaced my pscy nurse for depressed people when I turned 60. I saw a new shrink who announced there was only one subject allowed so we of course had to talk about suicide and he acted insulted by cutting.

I think his only concern was whether I would cut the other.
he said dementia and HD did not go together in his experience, he said I was a poor coper but he only wanted one subject. Lets see him cope with my life. Even then his letter went to the GP who had to write the scrpit and I ended up with no pills due to time lag.

Meanwhile I am waiting to see the new shrink in London on the HD team.

this winter I was sick with every cold and could not swim either due to asthma. Ross gave me a trip to Cuba on his aunts money and I decided a cruise out of baltimore would be better, but he just never managed to
from jan to marchHe takes too many lorezepan and when I try to ask for something. I do't like his new personality and want his shrink to have my input. I am factored out of that, and just end up un happy. The GP was so patient over this. He was shocked that I cut my wrist,and we spent 45 minuted talking about it, and the fact that I am not going to Long term care by choice like my sister. I see the daays numbered now, do my children hate me as much as I hated my mother, am I embaarassing everywhere? Why don't I get little gifts now that I gave before, Money decides everything and there are bigger bills for the dog with $250 decductble for pet insurance now that she is over 10 and last month the dog got the food budget because every bill that went in was rejected, so a few check are waiting, with post strike just to add to it.
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