Huntington Disease Lighthouse Families

For HD families ... by HD families

To Laura

Posted by Alice 
To Laura
January 29, 2011 06:25PM
Hi Laura I read your comment on the post about "Confused" and wanted to reply. I have HD, too, and have had over the years of being on this forum the same reaction as you do. Sometimes the individual stories of HD scare me and depress me, too, so much so I need a break from reading them. But I've noticed that if I talk about this problem on the forum a lot of people write and reassure me and then I feel better. I am very sorry for the bad lives some people live as children or caretakers of people with HD. I've experienced some of that myself with my dad and brother. My worst fear is to be that much trouble to others in the future. Today would have been my brother's 62 birthday. He died at 57. I will be 57 next month. I hope you continue to read the forum, if you can without getting that dark feeling inside.
Re: To Laura
January 29, 2011 10:52PM
Thanks for the reply!
I know what you meen thats my worst fear too being a burden to my Family.
Thats why its so hard to read the forum most of the time because its awful what poeple are going through.
And at the same time I worry that Ill go through it.
I also feel frustrated by not knowing what to say or how to help.
I'm sorry about your brother. I am the first sibling in my family with HD and the only one to get tested. I'm 44.
Thanks again!
Re: To Laura
January 31, 2011 10:11AM
Hi - I know just how you feel. My husband is the one who is HD+ (and I have 2 kids at risk). My father-in-law had it and developed symptoms late - he lived (at home) until he was 72 - never mean... if a kid looked at him sideways because of the motions he'd explain about Huntington's Disease. I am drawn to this forum even though it breaks my heart so often. I feel that no one can really understand like people here... I also like that I might be able to contribute something (even just an "I hear you"winking smiley to someone who is at a low point and needs it. My husband however has never and will probably never read the posts... he is early in his symptoms and gets (more) depressed when focusing on HD. This forum is a mixed bag - the good with the bad - luckily there is so much happening in terms of research that those posts are very exciting and hopeful...
Re: To Laura
January 31, 2011 05:10PM
Laura and Hope, thank you for responding. I agree this forum gives us as much hope as it does shots of reality.
Re: To Laura
February 04, 2011 12:55PM
Alice , Sharing my heart db
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