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Divorce Attorney

Posted by pbkdenver 
Divorce Attorney
October 27, 2010 06:41PM
I'm a 50 year old guy with a 41 CAG and my wife is divorcing me. Does anyone know of an attorney in Colorado that can help me. I'm asymptomatic (so I believe) yet she doesn't want continue our relationship. We have a 14 year old son and 15 year old daugther. This has been devastating.

Re: Divorce Attorney
October 27, 2010 07:42PM
So sorry you are going through this. If you don't mind my asking, why is she divorcing you - is it fear of HD or something else...

Is she educated about HD?
Re: Divorce Attorney
October 27, 2010 07:48PM
She's more than educated...she is an ob/gyn doc. we've gone to the ctr for excellence together. Problem is she doesn't want to believe this is happening.
Re: Divorce Attorney
October 27, 2010 08:00PM
Welcome to the forum . I am sorry that you have the expanded gene . Divorce is heart braking for any family to go through . May I ask what does your wife say the reasons for ending your marriage are ? My Mom has HD . There were times during my Moms and Dads married life , when mom was not reasoning well , at all . Yet , on the other hand she could be the sweetest women you ever could meet . My Dad loved and does love my Mom , but , there were those times because of her thinking and actions being odd , my mom , put great strain on my Dad emotionally . They did , stay together , and I know that Dad is happy with his decisions . He is 81 and she is now 82 . Mom is waiting for long term care placement , she is in the hospital while we wait . Now .... I believe many good men , may not have been as able to care for someone like Mom . That would have been so sad , but , not everyone is as strong as they wish they were . Keeping a family together under such great challenges HD puts on the family , is indeed hard . I have an aunt who loved her hubby dearly for a long period of time . He had HD , and he gradually became more difficult to live with . They had enough money they could have 2 households . They started living separately maybe 10 years before he died . They did not divorce , but , she thought about it . It was in the later years she found out he had HD .These are just some of my thoughts . I truly wish you well and hope things get better . db
Re: Divorce Attorney
October 27, 2010 08:18PM
I am so sorry you are going through this. Maybe it will just take her time to deal with it. You need to stay strong for your kids.
Re: Divorce Attorney
October 27, 2010 08:44PM
I asked because my husbad is HD+ and we are in the process of separating. It is killing us both - we have 2 kids too (a bit younger than yours). I am asking for the separation and it is the hardest thing I have ever done and I feel very guilty about it.

I have 2 issues - 1- he is an alcoholic and although he is doing very well and barely drinking at all (as far as I can tell) he doesn't seem to believe that he needs to abstain and I have to get off the roller coaster and
2- he has completely emotionally detached from our lives. He barely speaks to me - he is married to the TV. I don't know if it is a function of the HD, meds, or his having trouble coping with the situation but it is no longer a marriage...

I mention this not because I want to turn this thread about me but because I am on the flip side of your issue and maybe something from our situation will strike a chord with you.

If not, would she consider trying counseling first?
Re: Divorce Attorney
October 27, 2010 09:14PM
You said you are not symptomatic you believe. Does she think you are or something? What kind of help do you want from an attorney that's different from the ordinary process?
Re: Divorce Attorney
October 27, 2010 10:45PM
Eric & everyone else....Thank you for your thoughts and advice. I struggle with and am looking for an attorney that understands my mindset. Does that make sense? I have tested positive for a disease that will kill me if I live long enough. My kids are first and foremost in my life. I quit a high profile job in pro sports 5 years ago...went through counseling only to discover my father that I've been estranged from for over 30 years is in the final stages of HD. I went to visit him and he could no longer walk without assistance. I was then tested and discovered what my fate would be. I cried and cried until my eyes went dry. From that day four years ago I decided to live everyday to the fullest. I have placed the children ahead of everything. Then I decided to start a small business. My wife signed on and supported the entrepenurial spirit. Now 3 years later she has filed for a divorce because I "disappated the marital estate."
Re: Divorce Attorney
October 28, 2010 05:06PM
Sorry to hear of your trouble. Any good lawyer should know your 'mindset'. It might be better not to bring up the HD at all, and just go for all you can without any mention of it.

I don't think it will help your case at all.
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