Huntington Disease Lighthouse Families

For HD families ... by HD families

HD and anger....

Posted by trey gray 
HD and anger....
July 19, 2009 12:24PM
Hello everyone,

Does anyone have bouts with uncontrolled anger at the silliest of things. I'm starting to have some of this and it makes me sad.

cheers & blessings,
Re: HD and anger....
July 19, 2009 12:47PM
Hi Trey,

I am sorry to hear about what you've been experiencing lately. My mother experienced quite a bit of uncontrolled anger that would come and go for many years, but she was angry a lot of the time for no apparent reason. She would never go to the doctor, so she and everyone else had to suffer the consequences of her actions. I feel if she had went to the doctor and received proper medication for depression and anxiety that it could have been controlled to some degree. I am 37 years old and at-risk and I have had bouts of uncontrolled anger over the smallest things. I knew how I was reacting was not appropriate but it was as if I couldn't stop myself. It made me feel awful. I was also suffering from some mild depression. I went to my doctor and explained how I was feeeling and he started me on Cymbalta. It helped me tremendously!! I can relate to how it is making you feel sad. It makes you want to stay away from everyone so they don't piss you off and you hurt their feelings, especially your family. If you are currently taking meds, maybe they need to be re-evaluated and adjusted.

Take care and I hope these feelings pass soon.

Re: HD and anger....
July 19, 2009 02:44PM
Trey and Deborah,
Me too, and the exact same thing of knowing the response is inappropriate and feeling badly about it. I went on a low dose of Celexa (an SSRI)-the best thing I ever did!!!
Re: HD and anger....
July 19, 2009 05:27PM
Trey, I think one of the great things about your post is that you recognise this in yourself. SERIOUSLY. I only know a few Phd's who can do this. These Phd's are not in denial they just do NOT see their symptoms.. I'm not sure how to spell it, (help someone!) But it's something like this.. Agnosia.. it's a medical term, and it's common with brain diseases, and it means inability to recognise symptoms... It's easy to confuse with denial.

SInce you recognise some of your symptoms you will be a HUGE help to your doctors in helping find the best medication to help you. I have a DEAR DEAR friend up in Canada who also could feel it coming on and would tell his wife, okay sweety, I think you should go visit so and so now... and off she'd go and all would be well. Mostly he could control himself but when he couldn't he'd warn her first.

Thanks for asking, we all need to help one another, Love, Pat
Re: HD and anger....
July 19, 2009 09:18PM
Me too Trey, i cant focus and be patient, and then i get frustrated and confused, and this is new for me too. I know what you mean, and it's making me sad too. But, this is just another learning curve, and we'll find a way to deal with this too smiling smiley
Re: HD and anger....
July 19, 2009 11:29PM
the NOT seeing it myself is what scares me the most!!! Is that really common?
Re: HD and anger....
July 20, 2009 12:00AM
someone PLEASE telll me-- will I KNOW it when it is happening?
Re: HD and anger....
July 20, 2009 01:37AM
KAG, this is totally up to you, what happens with you and your hd. I am in the early stages, been symptomatic for 6 years now. I decided right from the beginning, that i am in charge, not hd. I call the shots. Someday, i won't be in charge any more, but for now, i am, and so I am in charge of how i am going to deal with this disease. It does not rule me, i rule it. I realize you have just received your results, but you need to pull yourself together now. Your question is will you know if you are in denial or not. The answer is yes you might, or no you might not. That can't be answered. So you plan for either event. The way you take charge of hd, is by being in charge of what you can be in charge of. You make decisions ahead of time, while you are still well enough to make the right decisions. You decide ahead of time to be proactive and live a healthy lifestyle. You decide ahead of time that there is no such thing as no hope for a cure. You decide ahead of time, what is acceptable behavior for you as a parent, and you decide ahead of time, what help you will get for yourself if there are problems. You decide ahead of time, that you trust your doctor more than yourself, and if your doctor says you need meds, then you need them. You decide ahead of time, to always be honest with yourself, and be humble enough to believe your doc or a good friend, if they tell you you need some help. And if they tell you that, then you trust them enough and you do it.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
My HD Raffle Quilt

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 07/20/2009 01:47AM by Barb.
Re: HD and anger....
July 20, 2009 07:34AM

Maybe you can see it. There is Organic Denial called "anosognosia"

This is an article / post you should read -

It happens in stroke victims and other brain injuries:


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/20/2009 07:43AM by Fred.
Re: HD and anger....
July 20, 2009 09:11AM
A problem with anger from HD is not obvious to the system who provide medical services. Now when Barb goes to her doctor she is never kept waiting. I go to a clinic at a teaching hospital where waits of an hour or more are normal. Instead of getting in in a relaxed state, I am in anxiety mode with palpitations. I carry lorezepan for this anxiety because if I keep on not dealing with it, I fall down with full fledged asthma and I refuse to medicate to take the edge off for something a damnned doctor is causing.I have the ability to observe while experiencing something. Normally I walk a lot which burns off the kinetic energy. Normally I have excellent parakenisis which is the ability to look normal. Sitting in a waiting room means keeping your butt on a chair while your feet walk a mile. It is a no smoking environment while I have more control with nicotine in my blood.Compared to other people in this boring environment you are the weirdest looking and people stare. I now have fake nicotine cigarette but it tastes yucky and is 6 times the cost of a cigarette.

I have played the piano since I was 8 about 4 hours a day...replacing television in my 40s. Last year my husband choose to use cocaine. When I took a bag of cocaine out of my dogs mouth I had such rage going that I hit him. He has always made wrong choices from booze on up but we are best friends much of the time. He had the gale to discuss my recent psychotic behaviour caused by HD with his shrink in the nut house
Sitting at the piano is normally terrific. The piano has been there with my dad's early death snd mother's HD. Last winter every time I sat down I just cried. My husband just managed to ruin that too.

The thing about HD is that you end up taking longer at stupid things, breaking stuff. Everytime I drop a coffee cup it splinters into a million shards.

I'm back to lounge lizard times of 45 minutes playing.
Re: HD and anger....
July 20, 2009 01:24PM
Isn't "lorezepan" Xanex?
Re: HD and anger....
July 20, 2009 02:32PM
google it fred lol, no, it's ativan, a very mild tranquilizer that i take all the time, whenever needed.
Re: HD and anger....
July 20, 2009 02:45PM
I see, alprazolam is Xanex

Both of these are for anxiety disorders
Re: HD and anger....
July 20, 2009 09:01PM
I take celexa for depression and caary ventolin for asthma and lorezepan for anxiety.
I saw a shirnk for a meds review, he nice guy, he suggested more celexa,low daily doze of lorezepan and his favorite of Barb's pills. Then I saw the neuro, he said no to everything the shrink suggested and told me I managed my own meds better than any other patient he knows.I take 2 lorezepan for anxiety.
Since then I got stoned by accident on my birthday and cconsider it the equivalent of 2 lorezepan with the added benefit of laughing so hard I peed...I had 4 babies...Lorezepan does not make me laugh. The day after my birthday I needed 2 one pills of lorezepan. More pot might have helped but I try to avoid addiction.
Re: HD and anger....
July 20, 2009 10:40PM
Hey Dusty-

Maybe you should try to talk your doc into a medicinal marijuana prescription...LOL!!! It couldn't hurt to try...smiling bouncing smiley I'm innocent

Might as well be HAPPY!!!

Re: HD and anger....
July 21, 2009 04:51AM
Hey Trey...hope your doing ok...these guys have made some good points (even the last one hehe) I hope you are able to take something away from peoples thoughts and experiences.

Im in Australia, My mum has HD, her moods used to be fairly unstable early on, but antidepressants helped her alot. Stress was always so hard for her to cope with. So take time to relax and recharge...and minimising stress and pressures can only help too.

Your truly doing an amazing job for the HD community trey...make sure you take really good care of you in that too.

Michelle x

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/21/2009 04:53AM by Michelle.
Re: HD and anger....
July 21, 2009 07:02PM
Absolutely!! I too was experiencing White Hot Anger over the most trivial of things. Thankfully these episodes are brief and because they are out of the norm, I recognized them as one of my particular "soft symptoms" which prompted me to seek professional help (Lexapro 20mg).

HD takes away our ability to effectively manage even simple challenges and to handle the resulting stress. I described the experience to my phsychologist as almost a "fight or flight" mechanism; because at times we're unable to cope/retreat from a given stressful situation, the only reponse we have available to us is to fight (anger).

I once described it to my wife in this way; to a PHd, there's a world of difference between these two simple sentences:

A. "Honey, did you forget to take out the garbage?"

B. "Honey, why didn't you take out the garbage"?

The second format - as I'm sure most of us Phd's recognize - is an open-ended challenge for which no verbal response exists. I can't wrap my head quickly around the second does not compute.

Bonus question: which of these questions earned my long suffering wife a freshly baked muffin aimed at the back of her pretty little noggin? Ah, sure she still loves me!


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/21/2009 07:17PM by Dathi.
Re: HD and anger....
July 28, 2009 10:05PM
Hi everyone, its been a while since I have posted I had been living else where and had no computer. I am also having huge problems with anger! I understand the need for medication however at the moment I am breastfeeding and I have had to stop all that sort of medication. Any other ideas out there? I am really comitted to nursing at least for the first year, my daughter is almost 7 mos now.
My symptoms really seem to be increasing lately. It has been a VERY stressful year with a very unexpected pregnancy and having to stop all my meds for depression... My husband and I also seperated (after 20 years and 5 kids) and I got into another relationship and wound up pregnant.Now with not enough sleep and a high needs baby I am whipped!My hubby and I were seperated for a year and a half and now are back together which is stressful too because I have a baby with another man...(DRAMA!!) Any suggestions would be great!
I am taking fish oil, b vitamis as well as prenatal vitamins, eating blueberries. Thaose are things I can afford right now and are all safe for the baby.
Re: HD and anger....
July 29, 2009 07:10AM
Meditation and Yoga and walking may help.
Re: HD and anger....
July 29, 2009 09:10AM
RoseMelissa , nursing is important to babies for many reasons . But there are times when babies are not nursed and have grown up to be very healthy adults . The bond between you and your dear baby will only become closer and closer . Your being emotionally as stable as you can be , will be your baby's biggest gift , that might very well mean not nursing , but going on meds , to help stabilize your thoughts , as well keeping you healthy . You are like many women who for a variety of reasons , can bottle feed and still have a healthy baby . If it was me I would talk to my Doctor as soon as possible . My best thoughts are with you . db
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