Huntington Disease Lighthouse Families

For HD families ... by HD families
Long Term and Life Insurances...
February 08, 2001 08:19PM
We are in the process of looking for long term care insurance and more life insurance. My mother just tested positive, hence I am now at risk. When I seek both of these, will I have a problem obtaining either due to my mother testing positive? WIll there be a direct link to her somehow? I am waiting to be tested due to the need to have these insurances in place first.
RE: Long Term and Life Insurances...
February 09, 2001 09:09AM
I don't think you'll have any trouble with insurance companies. They all have different forms and questions so if one asks the wrong questions, find another company to do take your bussiness. I recall my husband's insurance company asking whether his parents were alive or dead. If dead, they wanted to know cause of death. My husband's father had HD, but his cause of death was a motor vehicle accident. So we were honest, but didn't need to offer the HD part. If alive, they asked about their health. We were also asked about health of siblings. I think its very important to be honest because if one did acquire HD, the first thing the company does is call the neuologist and ask for history and physical. Incidently my husband had purchased insurance four years prior to being diagnosed with the disease. Testing positive for the gene doesn't mean your mother has poor health and I doubt they would ask if she's had any genetic testing.
RE: Long Term and Life Insurances...
February 09, 2001 12:30PM
Thanks were helpful!

We are in a similar situation. My wife's brother recently tested positive. We have talked about her being tested since her mother died but never got around to it. She is afraid to be tested because she heard our life insurance and medical coverages could be cancelled. any comments
RE: Long Term and Life Insurances...
February 19, 2001 01:54AM
Dear Greg,

I went through this when I began the process of testing. One of the things I was advised was to obtain life, disability (nursing home) insurance before I tested. I though this was premature as I was 36 at the time. Still I went through with it.

I purchased my nursing home insurance through the same carrier that has my lilfe insurance. (Note: If you don't have life insurance purchase it first by itself. Have that for a month of more and then sign on for the other insurance. You will be established. Also, you can get the least expensive nursing care insurance and always up it later if needed or cancel if you don't need it.).

I used State Farm. It was great because the form asked for every illness but neurological disease history in my family. I didn't have to lie (I wouldn't as I am a Christian). The other thing I learned is that when I purchased my life insurance I only began with $50.000 initially versus $100,00.00. This allowed a less extensive form and questionaire.

Also, you can test out of pocket and have your results be given anonymously so as to protect your privacey.

Lastly, the choice is up to you. Nobody but you knows what is right for you.
I waited 4.5 years to test. My three siblings are still at risk. I support them wholeheartedly. My mother has HD and was diagnosed in 95. I had never heard of it prior to that.

RE: Long Term and Life Insurances...
February 22, 2001 11:13AM
Julie, thank you so much! Greg
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