Huntington Disease Lighthouse Families

For HD families ... by HD families

Creatine-Neotine by Avicena

Posted by Shar 
Creatine-Neotine by Avicena
March 14, 2008 09:47AM
We just received an order of the neotine. My husband had previously taken creatine tabs.
I had a few questions and would appreciate your answers, what you do, opinions, etc.
Can anyone tell us how to take this creatine. It comes in the 5g per packet and what from I have read on here it sounds like 20g is the most desirable amount.
Do you take 5g - 4 times a day, 10 g - twice a day, etc. Also, do you take it with water or food.
Do you exercise when taking it or allow so many hours between meals and taking the creatine.
Do you need to build it up - start at 5g a day for a day, then 10, etc.
I appreciate your assistance.
Thank you and God Bless you all.
Re: Creatine-Neotine by Avicena
March 14, 2008 10:03AM
I think it really depends on who you are. The first time I ever took creatin it kind of made me ill and I had to learn to drink enough water to counter act that. Then I stopped for a year or two. Now that I have been here I started back up and since I knew how it made me feel I just went straight to my full dose. I still get the same feelings as before. So I think since he has been on it before that he will feel the same with the new stuff.
Re: Creatine-Neotine by Avicena
March 14, 2008 02:23PM
I have read that they recommend you should take creatine with a fat, eg fish oils, evening primrose etc. So i take mine with my breakfast and my other supplements. I mix it in a small glass of water. I take my creatine 10g in the morning and 10g in the evening. I think whatever works best for you. You should also make sure that your doctor is doing liver and kidney function tests ever so often to make sure you are ok!
Re: Creatine-Neotine by Avicena
March 14, 2008 02:38PM
When I first started taking creatine I did 5g a day for a week and then moved it up to 10. I took that in the morning with just water. When I switched to Neotine I upped the dose to 20 by adding 10 grams in the evening before dinner. I slam the morning dose down in a couple of gulps and sip the evening dose over 10 or 15 minutes. That's to lessen the chance of an evening laxative effect.

Neotine doesn't seem to make me as thirsty as other types of creatine. I probably take an extra 8 or 10 ounces of water after my morning run. That's about two hours after the morning Neotine dose. That seems to take care of my thirst.

Re: Creatine-Neotine by Avicena
March 15, 2008 01:55PM
Thank you all for your replies.
It is bright and sunny here today.
Hope you all have a bright and sunny day and God Bless all.

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