Huntington Disease Lighthouse Families

For HD families ... by HD families

My new video

Posted by project3 
My new video
March 11, 2008 09:01PM
tell me what you think of my new video.

Re: My new video
March 11, 2008 09:16PM
That was awesome. Very nice work. It really made me tear up when you talked about your daughter getting married. I think about that all the time. Mine is 6 and so sweet. How I wish I could be there to walk her down the isle.
Re: My new video
March 11, 2008 09:25PM
yzrabbit1 Wrote:
> That was awesome. Very nice work. It really made
> me tear up when you talked about your daughter
> getting married. I think about that all the time.
> Mine is 6 and so sweet. How I wish I could be
> there to walk her down the isle.

Its hard not to think about them. mine is 7.
Re: My new video
March 11, 2008 09:52PM
Great video. Your daughter is very pretty. Keep your chin up.
Re: My new video
March 11, 2008 10:12PM
Rach Wrote:
> Great video. Your daughter is very pretty. Keep
> your chin up.

Thanks, it was nice meeting you too in the chat room!
Anonymous User
Re: My new video
March 12, 2008 01:36AM
I need to get a new sound system for my computer.....
Re: My new video
March 12, 2008 09:48AM
Nice video.I wish people would think more along the lines of here's how we can help than alas I won't see my kid grow up. I have a video camera too and I'm very good with it. I got my first Sony to make videos of the kids for Ross's mom in the NH. We made a tape and she had a tape player. All the nurses had to do was pop in the tape but they did not and she went on forgetting. I have two shoes boxes of my kids on video from 1992 to 2000 when the camera broke. Now I cannot access them

Yesterday my grandson made his first video using my camera on a tripod.His story lin is a magnificent book which unfolds into 4 scenes from Winnie th4e Pooh. This was in my winnie the pooh collection from my oldest friend and was burned in the fire.
Sheila sent me another one and we cracked it open to celebrate march break.
I want to make a video of me playing the piano from the benefits point of view and one for the aquaitcs too. But I don't have a water proof camera so I would like to wreck someone elses camera...ha ha.
smoking smileygreen tea smiley
Re: My new video
March 12, 2008 12:07PM
Great Video!!!!!!!!

I know exactly how you feel. I have 2 kids. It really breaks my heart too.

keep your chin up.

Re: My new video
March 13, 2008 06:01PM
That was beautiful. Such a gift for your daughter,
hopefully you will be there for many, many things.
I have a son named Kevin who is at risk and has
children. We can only pray with a little luck they will all be spared.
Enjoy being a dad every day, you sure look like a great one and thats the memory that will stick.
Best wishes,
GarbieThe wave
Re: My new video
March 14, 2008 11:26AM
thanks garbie!
Re: My new video
March 14, 2008 12:30PM
Tipping my hat to you You did a great job on your video . all my best. db
Re: My new video
March 16, 2008 09:23AM
Very moving video. It brought tears. Keep on fighting.

Re: My new video
March 16, 2008 09:46AM
You are very talented in getting the HD message across along with the emotional side. It would be great if a talk show host could have a segment on HD along with a video of this sort. I know Oprah doesn't seem to want anything to do with it but there are others out there.

You have a beautiful daughter/family. Without hope life would be pretty desperate regarding many things, not just HD. We all have to keep the hope. Treatments will be coming and so will a cure one of these days. We just need to keep contacting the people doing research praising them, telling them what it means and donating if possible.

There are many other diseases in which there were no cures and now there are. There are now treatments that help HD people live longer and a much better quality life than in the past. New ones will come.

Many times we all need to realize we need to take "one day at a time".
We are not guaranteed any certain number of days so make the most of the ones we have - help those we can, love your family and enjoy each day fully.

Take care and God Bless.

Re: My new video
March 17, 2008 08:40PM
I finally watched the entire video!! Great!! I agree w/Garbie, great gift for your daughter---you did an awesome job!!!
Hope to chat Tues

*Living for today*

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/17/2008 08:40PM by dcb.
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