Huntington Disease Lighthouse Families

For HD families ... by HD families

Testing Questions And Help

Posted by project3 
Re: Testing Questions And Help
February 10, 2008 05:26PM
Your daughter looks like a little princess!
I don't think you have anything to feel guilty about. I totally understand how you feel i have two little princesses myself. It is hard to think that you may have passed this gene on, i think sometimes you need to put things into perspective. Firstly you do not know you have HD. That would need to be determined by a blood test. Also all the worry and stress can show all kinds of symptoms that may or may not be there. I have seen recently people on this site posting symptoms that got a negative result. I am sure there is a least two i know of that posted their story. There is alot to be learned from people living 'at risk' they will understand how you feel and you will feel you are not alone.
Secondly even if you have the gene, there is alot that can be done with 'positve living'. (some more inspirational stories) Your daughter would have a 50/50 chance of having the gene. Hopefully things in the Hd world would have moved on a huge amount. More treatments, even hopefully a cure. Please don't feel bad for something that has already happened. I remember when i got my test results, my husband and three yr old were there (my eldest was at school) and i couldn't even look at her. Take care.
Re: Testing Questions And Help
February 10, 2008 05:40PM
I agree with the prior post. Your daughter is beautiful and there are so many things happening in HD research and hopefully there will be a cure or many things to help very soon. There are already many medications and ways to live that help at present which weren't there many years ago.
My husband has HD and we have two beautiful children and 3 beautiful grandchildren. Do I worry about them? Yes. Do I wish they were not here. Never!!!
If not for us they wouldn't have a life whatsoever and life in itself is a gift.
This is a wonderful website that you have found. Full of information and wonderful people who can help answer any question you would have.
Not all agree but all bring up excellent viewpoints and all are willing to help.
Take Care
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