Huntington Disease Lighthouse Families

For HD families ... by HD families

Notice anything new?

Posted by stevei 
Notice anything new?
November 20, 2007 08:13AM
There were some changes over the last couple of weeks to the site.

Under "Recommended Sites" we added a link to LaVonne's highly recommended HD Drug Works site. Depending on your screen viewing area you may need to scroll down a little to see our portlet containing the list of links to our Recommended Sites. If you haven't visited them then you are missing out. Don't be part of the "out of touch" crowd. smiling smiley

We also changed the color scheme a little (yes, I was bored wearing the same old skirt).

I think most of you are already aware that we added the Testing for HD portal.

And the biggest change, as far as work effort goes, is that now the site is fed by the same underlying database that HDAC is fed by. This provides us with the ability to get the news and updates out faster (and to make necessary corrections immediately).

drinking smiley
Re: Notice anything new?
November 20, 2007 08:21AM
Thank you very much, Steve, for all the work you do on this site. If not for you and Marsha it would be a very lonely and tough road to walk with HD. We are truly blessed with you and Marsha and all the work you do.
I love the recommended sites!
Re: Notice anything new?
November 20, 2007 10:19AM
Great work, Your Geekness! :-)

Re: Notice anything new?
November 20, 2007 04:37PM
yes, i noticed the new colour scheme. I thought some bright yellows were gone, and replaced with nice calming soothing grey lol i like it
Re: Notice anything new?
November 20, 2007 09:35PM
stevei, you rock !

but for old people like me, could you tone down the brite blizzard white out, white screen ?
no? ofcourse not, i'll just have to wear shades... cool smiley

oh and steve, could we get some new stuff for christmas? you know some new smileys, and other fun stuff?

but yes, you rule, nice web updates... Thanks!
Re: Notice anything new?
November 20, 2007 10:54PM
You can never have enough smileys! I actually found some Halloween ones and completely forgot to get them up! I'll ask Steve about the Christmas ones. And I found some others too.

Anything else for Christmas?
Re: Notice anything new?
November 21, 2007 01:16AM
How but an, ol well, we love ya anyways fred!!! LOL!
Re: Notice anything new?
November 21, 2007 05:36AM
Nicely done Steve.... nice color changes. I am running out of suggestions to keep you busy... maybe we need a third site?
Re: Notice anything new?
November 21, 2007 08:03PM
yeah marsha,

what about a holiday page, where we can put our greetings on, with holly and stuff?

smiling smiley
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