Huntington Disease Lighthouse Families

For HD families ... by HD families

When pHD's collide .... YIKES!!!!

Posted by SeekingGodsMercy 
When pHD's collide .... YIKES!!!!
October 29, 2007 07:11PM
Oh boy, what a disaster! As you all know, both my younger sister (age 31 and 9 months pg - overdue, actually) and my older sister which she lives with (age 54) both have HD and they live across the hall from me in a condo complex. For the past week that is all they have done is fight and fight and fight some more. Here I am, waiting for my results to come back this week and trying so hard to live as "stress free" of a life as I can until I know, and here these two are killing each other 24/7. The older sister knit-picks every little mistake my younger sister makes and the younger sister yells back, because she can't take it anymore and her hormones are in an uproar, while I'm sitting here screaming CALGON, TAKE ME AWAY!!!!!!! Oh my gosh, I can't stand this. They ring my phone off the wall, or come over to my apartment to scream and yell about what the other one did every waking minute that I'm not at work. They BOTH need medication for this, but the pregnant younger sister can't take anything until the baby is born (scheduled for induction on Wed.) and the older one is completely unapproachable about such things and always has been. Can you imagine if I am HD positive as well? Oh my! My screen name will fit me well, huh? hahaha All 3 of us were at the register of the grocery store yesterday and the line got HUGE, because neither of us could figure out who was suppose to pay for what. Everyone in line was rolling their eyes and huffing and puffing. What a mess! The poor cashier must have thought we were a new circus act. hahaha We are most definitely going to have to come up with a plan. But gee whiz, how on earth do you tell "unapproachable" people with HD to take a deep breath and keep ME the heck out of your disputes? My stress level is so out of whack right now that I'm not even sleeping and I just want to tell them both to SHUT THE HECK UP!!!!!!!!

Have any of you had to deal with more than one pHD?

Sorry for ranting, but I feel like if I don't vent I'm going to lose my cool and probably say something to them that I'll regret and that's not even my nature to do that.

I'm praying that things will settle once my results come back and everyone gets past the shock of what's happening right now. I think it's still too fresh, you know?

Thanks again for listening. I love you all for that!

~Mary Ranting hot smiley I'm sorry
Re: When pHD's collide .... YIKES!!!!
October 29, 2007 08:06PM
Yes I have many times . It is not fun . I have no suggestions . But I am open to any thoughts on dealing with family get togethers with more than 1 pHD . db
Re: When pHD's collide .... YIKES!!!!
October 29, 2007 08:23PM
My brothers both had hd at the same time and in the beginning it was just as you described- chaos! But we did find that later on as their symptoms became more noticeable to all- including each other- they did stop the bickering. They did not become close but seemed to develop as certain amount of respect to leave the other be and not make things worse for the other. I guess that is all you can hope for.
Re: When pHD's collide .... YIKES!!!!
October 29, 2007 08:36PM
Tracie, I'm so sorry for your brothers having HD. However, I do find your post to be reassuring. Thank you! I'm praying that's the case. Especially if I have HD also. I just can't handle that kind of stress anymore, although I absolutely realize that it's not their fault and that they may not even recognize that they are doing this. Who knows, maybe I will be this way one day. But I'm the type of person that would much rather someone tell me the truth (even if it hurts) than lie to me or just avoid telling me. They, however, have always been the opposite by nature.

Re: When pHD's collide .... YIKES!!!!
October 30, 2007 08:19AM
I think more importantly is what kind of plan is there for this baby.. which by the way let us know how Wed goes..if their fighting now... how it going to be when older sister thinks mommy is holding baby wrong, dressing baby wrong, burpring and diapering wrong? Baby comes first, Keep your eyes and ears open. Good luck on your test results and when this baby is born give it a nuzzle from me. Love, Pat
Re: When pHD's collide .... YIKES!!!!
October 30, 2007 02:11PM
Mary- Please for m-, take some very deep breaths, drink some water, visualize someplace beautiful. The stress is so hard on you. Keep fighting. Remember there is support here when you need it. God bless, Tracie
Anonymous User
Re: When pHD's collide .... YIKES!!!!
October 30, 2007 02:53PM
Tracie's right. Take some deep breaths. Visualize some place or situation that's pleasing.

Place the phone on voice mail. Answer it when you feel up to it. You have enough to deal with. Choose to deal with it in your own time and your own way. You can do that. You have the right to do that..........
Re: When pHD's collide .... YIKES!!!!
October 30, 2007 03:52PM
I have found the best way to deal with stress is to find a tennis racket - go into the bedroom - shut the door and let out a blood curdling scream as you slam the mattress as hard as you can. Oh - please be sure no one is in bed at the time.angry smiley
Re: When pHD's collide .... YIKES!!!!
October 30, 2007 08:12PM
im going through the very same both my brothers have HD every day is the same,but ad alchohol to the mix and its not pretty.i just try and keep the peace best i can.hope things improve soon for u and the familyFingers crossed for you
Re: When pHD's collide .... YIKES!!!!
October 31, 2007 04:58PM
billy that would be a challenge . Your doing well trying to keep the peace . Just remember to duck .winking smiley db
Re: When pHD's collide .... YIKES!!!!
November 01, 2007 03:02PM
You know, the one thing that really helps me in reading what you guys have to deal with on a daily basis, is the perspective I get.

If I ever get to feeling sorry for myself....I just come here and listen to what you are all going through and it makes my problems seem so small by comparison.

I remember attending a lunch for pHD's and their carers a couple of years ago and meeting a wonderful woman who had lost a husband, twin daughters and a son (JHD) to HD. She was also seeing her last remaining child through the final stages in a nursing home (aged about 26, I think.) She still had a smile on her face and was deeply immersed in helping others. I will never forget her courage and stoic attitude. She didn't sit around feeling sorry for herself even though she had every right to.
I know we can't all be like her, but she really made me feel that I didn't really have much to complain about.
You all do too...

You guys are awesome!! thumbs up smiley Group hug
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