Huntington Disease Lighthouse Families

For HD families ... by HD families


Posted by Shar 
May 16, 2007 10:12AM
I see the Creatine subject is brought up alot. I have a few questions someone may be able to answer.
I think it was Ron (forgive me if I am incorrect) who posted his regimen and on it was listed 1000 mg of creatine.
My husband presently takes 5 mg and he has it in orange flavored tablets which he said are getting harder to chew.

What is the dosage most of you use - 1000 mg or something different?
Do you get it from a powder form or tablet?
If you get it from a powder form where do you order it from? Is it made in USA?
If you get it in a powder form how much do you take within what time
Do you have to drink a certain amount of water or wait certain intervals in taking it?
Do you have to exercise while absorbing it?
thank you very much for your help
Re: Creatine
May 16, 2007 10:58AM
5grams is thought to be too little to benefit much. Most people take 10 grams. You can get creatine in power form that mixes with any liquid and is tasteless and if you get micronized it's not gritty either. In the creatine study they take the 10 ten grams in two 5 gram doses morning and evening. Some people take all 10 at once which is probably fine also. You can get the creatine at most any drugstore, health food store, Walmart etc. Don't have to exercise but should keep well hydrated to help with kidney function. Exercise though has it's own separate benefit of producing BDNF which is neuroprotective. I would encourage that too...but has nothing to do with creatine.
Re: Creatine
May 16, 2007 11:24AM
Eric is right on. The hydration tends to take care of itself. I get thirsty about 20 minutes after I take it.

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