Huntington Disease Lighthouse Families

For HD families ... by HD families
I have been searching for the past several weeks specifically for information related to HD and occupational therapy. As a therapist, I truly believe that the profession of occupational therapy (OT) can be of assistance to individuals affected by HD. The field of occupational therapy is centered of the theory and practice of using meaningful and purposeful activity to help individuals diagnosed with disabilities to become more independent in the areas of self-care(dressing, bathing, mobility), leisure, and work. My concern is presently the amount of research and references specifically addressing HD and occupational therapy is limited. I would greatly appreciate any websites and/or links which addresses the needs of HD and occupational therapy. In grateful appreciation, Mary Dawley
RE: HD and lack of information for OT
September 30, 2000 11:55AM
Hi Mary,

I'm afraid I can't answer your question but I'll start asking around on your behalf. This is information we would like to include in our FAQ, so I hope you'll share anything you find out here.

Ron C.
RE: HD and lack of information for OT
September 30, 2000 09:10PM
Hi Mary
I know in your profession,you deal with retraining people who have
lost limbs, or suffered accidents of all sorts,and I Imagine your main goal
to be teaching the affected individual to use an undamaged part of their
body to remain Productive and independent,and also possibly learning a new
vocation,however I wander if this would be applicable in a situation where
malfunction is occuring in the Brain,such as HD,and Parkinsons,where
Movement disorder and depleted or damaged cognitive function is a prevalent
aspect of the problem.I am thinking that this is possibly the Reason that
there is a limited amount of information available to you.I hope this is not
too garbled to understand.<G>
Ron C.
RE: HD and lack of information for OT
September 30, 2000 09:12PM

Occupational therapy is not meant to be just compensatory. It is
meant to be constructive or, lacking that possibility, to retard
degeneration. It is appropriate to think in terms of occupational
therapy for neurodegenerative diseases. Isn't swallowing therapy -
now routine for management of HD - a form of occupational therapy?

We've all read that the decline of transgenic mice is extended by
exercise and a stimulating environment. What does this mean if not
that the principles of occupational therapy are operative with this
disease? I expect that these reports are going to lead many people to
think in terms of occupational therapy and HD. If Mary can't find
much information on the topic, it's maybe because she's thinking on
the leading edge. I would say this to Ms. Dawley: Carpe diem.

RE: HD and lack of information for OT
September 30, 2000 09:16PM
There is a great booklet...Physical and Occupational Therapy
for Huntington's Disease by Suzanne Imbrigli, PT put out by
the HDSA. 1-800-345-HDSA

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