Huntington Disease Lighthouse Families

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Here again, need advice.

Posted by Chicago_t 
Here again, need advice.
April 13, 2015 08:10PM
Hi, all! I don't know what to do anymore.If anyone knows my backstory of my posts, HD runs in my wife's family.She started showing what I believe are signs 1 1/2 years ago.Leg shaking before falling asleep, self centeredness, everything my fault, name calling, excessive drinking, her signature has changed.Now she has severe financial problems among other things.etc etc.I took our daughter and left and tried to help from afar, that obviously didnt work.Today I find out she got a DUI 2 weeks ago and she was still driving to come get our daughter the day that she sees her.I dont want to be mean but I dont want her to pick her up anymore if she isnt supposed to be driving and worse if she is still drinking and driving.Do I contact the police and get some type of order of protection? I dont want my daughter to get hurt.Any advice is appreciated.
Re: Here again, need advice.
April 13, 2015 08:44PM
I am so sorry that you are going through all of this. I think you did the right thing in leaving and getting your daughter out of the situation. There is a point at which you have to protect yourself and daughter. I wish I had done the same; I exposed my kids to way too much trauma and heartache. So my answer would be that you don't allow her to drive your daughter. However, I don't think you have to involve the police at this point. If you have custody, you can just tell her that you can't allow her to pick up your daughter and explain your reasons as calmly and reasonably as you can without making accusations, i.e., that you know she loves your daughter and cares about her safety.
Re: Here again, need advice.
April 13, 2015 08:54PM
Thanks Schydawg, Even though we are seperated everyday is a surprise when something happens.I am at my wits end, so much frustration because I still care and dont want anything to happen to her.
Re: Here again, need advice.
April 14, 2015 10:42AM
Does your X-wife have someone else that is being responsible for her and taking care of her as the HD progresses?

Do you still have any legal responsibility for her actions?

Allowing her to drive is irresponsible and negilagant on the part of whomever is taking care of her.

Do you think she would realize the consequences of violating a "protection order" if she drives under the influence, no longer able to handle her finiases and probebly even her own safe care & health.

If she has no others and you are not going to, but say you still care, then you should have her committed and placed in the care of the state. it would be the humaine thing verses letting her harm herself
Re: Here again, need advice.
April 14, 2015 10:57AM
Thanks for your reply JFB. She hasn't been diagnosed and Im the bad guy when I bring it up.Her father cares for her 38 year old sister who is in the final stages.Her father had told me before I left that he thinks HD was starting to show in her, I know he is no DR. but he saw his wife and eldest daughter go through it.I keep asking them to talk to her and get help if its HD or not but they brush me off. We are still married but have been seperated for almost 2 years.I dont know if there is anything I can do legally, I will look into it.I cant mention it or talk to her about it because all this behavior and decisions she makes in her mind are fine and nothing is wrong.
Re: Here again, need advice.
April 14, 2015 01:34PM
It is good to hear she still has family (Father) that may be caring for her. However, I would be very concerned with the legal aspects of her actions since you should be aware of the progression of HD. the other would be responsibility for her care when it becomes enivable.

Once HD has progressed to the stage where "you can't mention...", You need to reailize it is too late to discuss, that oppertunity is GONE.

Even after the anger and rage behavoir is controlled ot dimenshes, you will not be able to discuss alternative care plans (as I am currently at that stage with my wife in case I should die before her)
Re: Here again, need advice.
April 14, 2015 04:45PM
I dont know so much if her father is taking care of her or will.I mentioned in my posts before that they were in denial.I still hope and pray that it isnt HD and that she just hates my guts, so I wont have to worry about our daughter ever having it.Since you mentioned it the name calling towards me has stopped a little bit, it was very very bad the first year.All this stuff that she is doing is totally not her,she would hardly ever swear now every other word is a curse. I know no two people are alike but the similarities I have read here and talked to at the support group always make me worry.
Re: Here again, need advice.
April 14, 2015 06:43PM
Of course the wife will be in denial, that is part of HD (that some experaince), but why would the father be? If he is refusing to take care of his daughter since you have left her, maybe he just doesn't want to set a president, nor show that he relequishes you from that responsibility

had you wife's sister ever married?

maybe you could use testing as a condition of getting a devorse. If she does not have HD, but just violent at you ,should be sufficeint terms
Re: Here again, need advice.
April 14, 2015 07:18PM
I didnt leave on my own terms, I wanted to stay and help her but it got to be too much to handle.At that time she was fixatex on divorce and me leaving.She was taking Lexapro and some other citoprolam I think a sleeping pill and xanax.I didnt know the reason why and thought all these medicines were making her act this way.I think he just doesnt want to see his other daughter (my wife) go through what his wife went through and what his other daughter is going through at the moment.Her sister was married but that ended in divorce once she started showing symptoms years ago.When my wife first started acting strange she yelled at me "I have 10 years left and you cant take care of me" and when I tried calming her down and talking to her in escalated into an argument so I let it be.I try and ask her what she meant, if she knows something or got tested and I just get ignored or she will say whats the point, theres no cure anyways.This is just a small example of what I have been through, there is alot more and I definitely dont wish or want her to have HD but when theres that 50% chance you cant help but think about it.Nothing is a big deal for her anymore, no emotion towards anything.Owing a huge amount of money to the IRS, behind on bills, not helping me out with our daughter.Really out of character for her and this is just the most recent things that have happened.Thanks

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/14/2015 07:24PM by Chicago_t.
Re: Here again, need advice.
April 14, 2015 09:36PM
If she is still wanting a divorce, I would be doing every thing possible to get it then. I have always thought that once a spouce is deemed incompendant, divorces would not be granted, but that might not be the case from others experance, but why chance it.
Re: Here again, need advice.
April 14, 2015 10:34PM
She hasn't mentioned the divorcein a while, still doesnt mean it wont happen. Honestly that is the last thing on my mind, dont have much time being a single father and with everything else going on.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/14/2015 11:18PM by Chicago_t.
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