Huntington Disease Lighthouse Families

For HD families ... by HD families

where to go first

Posted by Carol 
where to go first
July 19, 2000 10:31PM
Hi, I am very concerned at this time about the possibility of my having HD. I was dx a year ago with dystonia, first cervical but now it is all over my body, Three of my specialists reports state I have some chorea like movements. I also have some type of attacks that pull my body up into fetal contractions. My doctor had seen one of them and said I looked like a person that had had too much dopamine. My specialists are at this point confused and I am having more problems than just the movements of dystonia, first let me tell you I have diabetes also for 40plus years. Now with the dystonia I have asked for genetic testing here and the Doctors are not very helpful. I am showing signs, over the last year of memory problems, orginizational, asking questions several times and not remembering the answers, getting lost in areas that I should be very aware of where I am going. The list goes on and on. My one Neurologist has mentioned HD several times and then backs down on persueing it. I have had trouble speaking, my words get mixed up and they come out backwords. I am only 48 I have tried to compensate for many of the things that are happening but at this time I am getting worried and cant hide what is happening anymore. I have no one in my family to my knowledge that has HD I dont know what to ask the doctors to do and dont know where to go. I am in AZ . I am on no meds for the dystonia at this time so I know it isnt medication induced problems. How do I get tested, is the only test the genetic one? Is there any other ways a neurologist is able to dx HD? If anyone could help me with information I would greatly appreciate it. Something is very wrong and It is progressing continually. My e mail add is chacar*at* or post here I was thrilled to find this site and all its information. Thank You for listening Carol
RE: where to go first
July 21, 2000 09:52AM
Hi, Carol. I would think that if neither of your parents have HD, you don't have it. If one of your parents is unknown to you, maybe HD is a possibility. In that case you probably should have the genetic test. Because it was clear my dad and brother had HD when I went to the neurologist with some symptoms, the doctor didn't give me a blood test. He told me to stick my tongue straight out and hold it still. I couldn't for the life of me hold my tongue still though I thought what a simple thing to do! A doom feeling came over both doctor and me, and since then (5 years ago) other symptoms have confirmed the tongue test. I'm not saying you should stick your tongue out now and go by how it wiggles! Just thought you might be interested. I hope you find what is wrong so as to put a name to it, which always helps somehow.
RE: where to go first
August 19, 2000 10:42AM
Hi there,
Where we live in florida we could find no genetic testing,Just the MRI with contrast.But when the doctor at the clinic was ivaluating my husband he told Greg to close his eyes and try to walk a straight line and couldn't and to try to walk a straight line toe to toe and couldn't and said those were some symptoms.
Good Luck
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