Huntington Disease Lighthouse Families

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My sister wants to take her life

Posted by Herman 
My mother chose to take her life after 15 plus years with HD. I tested negative, my sister tested positive. Now, 5 years later, she is beginning to show symptoms. I understand her wanting to make this choice, but it is very early. She has a serious drug and alcohol abuse problem. I called the police to intervene, but I can't do that every time. Any ideas?
RE: My sister wants to take her life
July 23, 2001 08:05PM
Addiction is always a serious problem and HD just adds to the complications.

I think I would explain to your sister that HD affects the neurotransmitters early on and causes depression. She probably turned to drugs and alcohol to 'self medicate' but they just make things worse and are probably contributing to her suicidal feelings. Things are different now than when your mother was ill. Your sister's quality of life can be much better. The antidepressants that are available now for people with this disease are really effective in combatting the depression and she'll feel much better with them than with the drugs and alcohol. She'll still need treatment for the addiction but maybe it will help if you can hold out hope for a better quality of life. If she's feeling suicidal, I would try to get her into an inpatient drug treatment program if possible.

And it might also help if you talk to her about all the progress the HD researchers have made. We should have some treatments to slow the disease before too long. Try to get her to hold onto hope and reassure her that you will support her as she receives treatment for her addiction.

Keep us posted! I'll be thinking about you.
Thank you. I appreciate your thoughts. She knows all about anti-depressants. She knows too much in a sense. Maybe the harsh reality is my question of when do I stop trying to stop her?
Pat Dushkewich
RE: My sister wants to take her life
July 26, 2001 09:06AM
Herman...I admire you for asking that very difficult question...that's a hard question to answer and how AWFUL that you even need to conisder it.. we need to think of so MANY options with HD that we never dreamed of in our wildest nightmares.. I would say the answer to when to STOP trying to STOP her can only be within you.. You need to be SURE you are emotionally ready to accept that you cannot control her every minute of every day... even tho she is ill... she still has choices that you cannot control... how can ANYONE really stop a suicide if that person really wants todo it? You could hire an aide.. you could quit your job and move in with her but.. BOTTOM line you can ONLY do so much.. ACCEPT that you love her and want what's right for her and sometimes YOUR version of what's right won't be her version.... GUILT is RARELY felt by people who SHOULD feel guilty... so try to let any feelings of guilt float away... your doing the BEST you can.. and I'm sure she feels your love Pat
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