Huntington Disease Lighthouse Families

For HD families ... by HD families

Mom started a clinical trial today!

Posted by bsoule 
Mom started a clinical trial today!
March 04, 2013 06:34PM
My mother was diagnosed with Huntington's about a year and a half ago and she started a clinical trial today for the Crest-e trial in Boston MA. The day was great, and the staff there was absolutely amazing. After talking with them, I think my mom is actually going to see a therapist and also talk about getting put on a different medicine for depression/anxiety. My mother is experiencing a lot of resentment towards my step dad - some might be related to Huntington's and some just because they are both retired now and are together 24X7, either way i think her talking to a professional about how she feels will be great for her. They also recommended physical therapy to help strengthen her core muscles and thought that this would significantly help with her balance issues.

Overall it was a very positive experience and they helped us all understand that HD is not a death sentence, we just have to learn how to deal with its symptoms. If anybody out there has an opportunity to do something like this - I would definitely recommend it. Was a good day smiling smiley
Re: Mom started a clinical trial today!
March 05, 2013 04:51PM
Good for her! Everyone that I've come in contact with during my trials has been great. They're a wonderful way to feel like we're doing something instead of just watching and waiting.

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