Huntington Disease Lighthouse Families

For HD families ... by HD families

talk therapy for caregivers

Posted by FevreDream 
talk therapy for caregivers
November 01, 2012 10:24AM
Has anyone on here tried talk therapy to help with the stress of being a caregiver? I talked to a therapist yesterday and she has had one patient with HD in 30 years. But then again, I live in a very small town in a backward sort of place. At least she knew what HD was and didn;t have to have me explain it to her. In addition to taking care of my son and trying to deal with his HD father, I am also taking care of both of my parents who have serious health issues (cancer, heart problems) and trying to be a strong parent figure for my 14 year old sister and trying to keep the family business afloat. If it goes down, we all go down with it.

So, will talk therapy help or is medication the only thing to help me deal?
Re: talk therapy for caregivers
November 01, 2012 11:23AM
Yes, I have and I have found it very helpful to the point where I no longer needed medication.
Re: talk therapy for caregivers
November 04, 2012 08:46AM
I like your strong and don't forget yourself and child in the process.

Although I can't tell you if talk therapy will help, I can tell you I believe talk therapy will help your spouce if willing. I don't know where he is with the disease or how willing he would be to join you in talk therapy. It may be a very good tool for both of you to understand and cope with today and the future. You can get your concerns out to an outside party and if you follow (good) advice it may be priceless. I also live in a relatively small town and few know what HD is but a professional should educate themselves and you will help educate them in the process.
Good Luck,
Re: talk therapy for caregivers
November 04, 2012 02:27PM
Can be incredibly beneficial, especially if you are in a place where you are trying to keep it together for everyone else.
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